What extended stability data do you have available?
What are Tevadaptor's storage conditions?
How do I know that the Spike Port Adaptor won't fall out during delivery to the ward?
How long can I leave the Vial Adaptor on a partly used vial, refrigerated or at room temperature?
How can I prime the Spike Port Adaptor when attached to a bag? The fluid from the bag doesn't seem to run into the Spike Port.
Can vials with the Tevadaptor Vial Adaptor attached be stored in the refrigerator?
Can bags with bag sets spiked into them be stored in the refrigerator?
Can I use Tevadaptor with drugs that come in ampoules?
How do I get rid of air bubbles in the syringe?
How can I prevent needle exposure?
How do I dispose of Tevadaptor products?
Click here if you have a question and it’s not on our FAQ.
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